00:00 - CL Online Evening

Come and fly at Chilean Airspace, all sundays. Between 2000 - 23000z

For more information click here.

14:00 - [CH] Swiss Sunday

After the typical hourlong family dinner, the pile of homework, or the hours of doing nothing, come fill up the Swiss skies! A blast of fresh air before diving back into the week.

Bring over your wings to Switzerland and meet our beautiful airports. Come on to do some IFR between our main airports or take your VFR certified plane out of your hangar!

For more information click here.

15:00 - [GR+AT+HQ] Vienna - Mykonos Airbridge

Summer has not officially started, but two weeks in advance you will have the chance to enjoy the first summer feelings either in Austria or in Greece. Fly between the "island of the winds" better known as Mykonos and one of the world's most liveable cities called Vienna. We invite you to join this Dual-Way-Airbridge. Take your aircraft out of the hangar and give our controllers some work to do. Expect full ATC on both Airports.

For more information click here.



For more information click here.