19:00 - [VE] RFE Maiquetia 2016

The Venezuelan division of IVAO is pleased to invite you to the "RFE Maiquetía 2016" this event is created to simulate the operations of departure and arrival of the "Simon Bolivar" Maiquetia International Airport. In order to achieve this objective, it has been arranged a reservation system http://rfe.ivao.org.ve/ where you can choose the flight of your preference between 19: 00z to 00: 00z (3:00 p.m. HLV - 20: 00 pm HLV).

On the other hand, if you want to provide ATC service please make a reservation at the ATC window. Finally, we provide a full series of documents intended to provide information about the event and the use of the resources proposed for it. On behalf of the staff of IVAO Venezuela, we appreciate your participation and enthusiasm to celebrate this important event with us.


See you in Maiquetía!

For more information click here.

19:00 - North America Online Day

The IVAO Events Department is proud to invite you to the North America Online Day that will take place every Saturday from 19z to 22z in DO, MX, PF, XA divisions.

For more information click here.