00:00 - [AR] ONLINE DAY

Every Saturday IVAO Argentina will hold an Online Day Event - We are waiting for you

Saturdays from 00:00z to 23:59z - Peak Hour: 18:00z to 21:00z

For more information click here.

15:00 - [20 AUG | 12z - 15z] [XE] Pilot Skills Series 3: Kai Tak

Pilot Skills Series 3: Kai Tak
The third week of our Pilot Skills Series stops at Kai Tak. You must be familiar with the name, but have you ever experienced the thrilling approach as a pilot? Located within a densely populated area in Hong Kong, Kai Tak Airport was one of the most dangerous airports in the world before it ceased operations in 1998. Fly into the airport during our event, land on the famous runway 13 and challenge your skills!

For more information click here.

16:00 - [XN] Nordic Evening

Every Saturday the Nordic Region will staff as much as the Nordic region as possible for all members to enjoy great scenery and service.

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE] Venezuela Online Day

The Venezuela Division wants to invite you to participate in its weekly event "Online Day Venezuela"
with full control in Venezuela.
We are waiting for you, we are counting on you!

For more information click here.

20:00 - [20 AUG | 20Z - 00Z] [VE] En Honor a los Grandes - MERIDA FLY-IN / OUT

One of the events with the longest history in our IVAO Venezuela Division returns, an annual Classic such as "Honor to the Great" It is time to remember the golden times of our aviation, we will be flying to and from one of the most challenging airports in the Country: Alberto Carnevali Airport, Mérida, SVMD. As is tradition, the idea is to simulate commercial operations and medium-sized aircraft that have operated in Mérida. Only these aircraft are approved:

- Boeing 727
- Boeing 737-200
- ATR 72/42
- Douglas DC9
- Convair 580
- Douglas DC3
- Embraer 120
- Bombardier Q400
- Fokker 50
- Beechcraft 1900

For more information click here.

22:00 - [20 AUG | 19z - 22z] [BR+HQ] IVAO Brasil – 21st Anniversary

This event is the celebration of a new era that started. Since 2021, when we celebrated 20 years, the IVAO has changed and together we changed too.

We invite you to together on 20th August of 2022, make the Brazilian skies crowded once again.

For more information click here.