20:00 - [27 AUG | 14z - 20z] [HQ] Africa + Middle East Continental Online Day

Every active IVAO Division holds one Online day per week. Members will have the chance to either fly or provide ATC service in a much busier environment by participating at one of these regular events. To bring this idea to the next level, we are proud to present to you a new series of events called Continental Online day. This new series will consist of four events per year, each time within another region.

For more information click here.

22:00 - [27 AUG | 18z - 22z] [XA] The Battle of Alberta

A long-standing feud - it is the Battle of Alberta! This pair of cities in the Canadian province of Alberta are not far from each other (only a hundred-odd miles), but they are famous for a historic rivalry as opposing cities in the state - one, the most populous, the other, the province capital. Most often used to describe sports rivalries today, including the famous ice hockey rivalry, the Battle of Alberta will finally be decided by IVAO members at this historic event! Join us, fly between Calgary and Edmonton, and choose for yourself!

For more information click here.