20:00 - [30 JUL | 15z - 20z] [PL+HQ] Domestic Overload

We would like to invite you to take part at this Domestic Overload Event involving 4 biggest Polish TMAs

For more information click here.

20:00 - [30 JUL | 16z - 20z] [CH + ES] LEPA - LSZH Airbridge

We are happy to announce the LEPA - LSZH Airbridge.

For more information click here.

23:00 - [30 JUL | 20z - 23z] [AR] Welcome JetSmart Argentina VA

We are happy to announce the arrival of our new VA - JetSmart Argentina - we will make an unidirectional airbridge between SABE and SAZY

For more information click here.